Dental crowding arises if your teeth have to squeeze together and compete for space. Overcrowded teeth do not have gaps between them, and this can cause multiple problems. Below are some causes and possible treatments for the crowding.
Like other orthodontic problems, teeth crowding has multiple causes. Below are some of them:
Some people are genetically predisposed to dental problems that increase the risk of crowding. For example, you might develop crowded teeth if:
Since genetic problems run in families, you are likely to experience them if your close family members have also experienced them.
Baby teeth normally fall out when the permanent teeth erupt. Each permanent tooth pushes out the baby tooth above it and takes its place. However, some baby teeth do not fall out but rather get pushed to the side. The result is overcrowding since the permanent and baby teeth have to compete for space.
Just as over-retention of baby teeth can lead to overcrowding, premature loss of baby teeth is also bad. If a child loses their baby teeth too soon, the other teeth might lean over and take up the space. The erupting permanent teeth will not have adequate room, leading to crowding around the area.
Bad oral habits can also lead to crowding. For example, thumb sucking exerts unusual pressure on the teeth and associated jawbone. The pressure interferes with the normal teeth arrangement, leading to different orthodontic problems, including crowding.
Dental trauma is another problem that can cause multiple dental problems. For example, physical impact on the teeth can push one or more teeth out of their usual position. Without dental correction, the misaligned teeth will often cement themselves in those positions and crowd the nearby teeth.
The normal process of aging can also lead to crowding due to jaw changes. All body tissues, including bones, ligaments, and muscles, change as you age. For many people, the lips tighten and push the teeth from the outside. Over time, the extra pressure pushes the teeth together to create an overcrowded arrangement.
You do not have to live with crowded teeth. In fact, you should correct the crowding since:
Below are two main treatment options for overcrowded teeth.
Dental crowding cause may determine the best treatment option. For example, you may benefit from extraction if you have over-retention of baby teeth. The dentist will simply extract one or more teeth so that the remaining ones have adequate space.
Dental braces are the go-to treatment for many dental ailments. Braces work by putting pressure on your teeth to move them into specific positions. Thus, the braces will push your teeth apart to introduce normal spaces between them. After treatment, you will have to wear retainers to help maintain the teeth in their positions. You may need both braces and extraction in some cases.
Rosen Orthodontics has provided orthodontic treatment for over 30 years. Contact us today for an orthodontic consultation, and enjoy our friendly and welcoming services. We will diagnose and treat your orthodontic problems at affordable rates.
Phone numbers:
Buffalo Grove: (847) 215-9971
Deerfield: (847) 432-1614
Buffalo Grove: 355 W. Dundee Rd. Suite 215 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Deerfield: 656 Deerfield Rd, Deerfield, IL, 60015