Straightening teeth with Invisalign clear aligners near Arlington Heights, IL is a specialty of Rosen Orthodontics. When away from home, it is a portable and convenient method of orthodontic treatment for busy travelers. And because of it’s removable nature, it can be cleaned on the go, wherever there is a sink and a toothbrush! Patients undergoing treatment with this system often travel with a small kit consisting of: a toothbrush, some toothpaste, and floss. And whether traveling by train, plane, or bus, clear aligners are the clear alternative to braces.
1. Simplicity. Clear aligners can fit into a carry-on bag, purse, or even your pocket! Because they are made of a clear thermoplastic material they fit snuggly over the teeth and are practically invisible. And because they are removable by the wearer, the wearer is allowed to eat, brush, or floss like they normally would.2. Adaptability. A series of clear aligners are worn throughout the course of treatment with Invisalign, and each new set gradually moves the teeth, progressively, until you’ve reached your treatment goals. Frequent office visits for physical adjustments like with traditional braces are not necessary.3. Invisibility. Because clear aligners are completely clear, they are unnoticeable during normal social interaction. Invisalign patients can be confident when meeting people, attending events, and doing business while wearing the aligners. It’s almost like you’re not even wearing braces!4. Flexibility. As you know, clear aligners are made of a soft plastic material, but their real flexibility is in their invisibility and their removability. Many patients are undergoing orthodontic treatment while working, playing, talking, smiling, and even eating, with no one knowing they are wearing an orthodontic appliance!For travelers, a strict schedule of frequent adjustment appointments with their orthodontist is not practical. When on the go, Invisalign patients know they are being treated with a discreet, effective, and easy-to-wear solution to their orthodontic needs. Rosen Orthodontics have been treating patients near Arlington Heights, IL with clear aligners for years! For more information contact us today!
Rosen Orthodontics is experts in Invisalign. If you have any questions pertaining to braces, clear braces, Invisalign, or Invisalign Teen in the 60089 zip code area: Deerfield, Lake Forest, Highwood, or Northbrook, IL, or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Rosen Orthodontics at: 847.215.9971
Phone numbers:
Buffalo Grove: (847) 215-9971
Deerfield: (847) 432-1614
Buffalo Grove: 355 W. Dundee Rd. Suite 215 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Deerfield: 656 Deerfield Rd, Deerfield, IL, 60015